Cercle d'Economia 2024 Meeting

The Cercle d’Economia is an organisation founded in Barcelona in 1958 with a very relevant historical trajectory in Catalonia and in Spain as a whole. It is a socially influential civic association that seeks to enhance the quality of public debate by issuing independent opinions on the main challenges that condition economic, social and political progress. Every year since 1961 it has held a three-day series of conferences that act as a meeting point for the country’s political and economic elite. Within this scenario, the Cercle entrusted Intermèdia Comunicació with the press office for the conferences, with the main objectives of increasing the notoriety of the 2024 conferences and the board of directors.
Create a press office to ensure maximum visibility of the event in the media. Being a highly newsworthy event in its own right, visibility was sought for the Chairman and the board members. In addition, the participation of the most prominent speakers was emphasised. It was also essential to respond to requests for interviews and information, as in an event with more than 300 registered media organisations, there is a large volume of requests for information that have to be channelled as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Another key objective was to inform attendees and non-attendees of the most relevant presentations at the event, which was done through the daily newsletter and the summary newsletter.
The strategy was based on establishing ourselves as the press office of the Cercle d’Economia Meeting from the moment the press conference was held to present the opinion piece. This meant we were able to channel all requests from journalists from that moment on, thus streamlining the communication. From that point on, everything went through Intermèdia, from the review of press accreditations to requests for interviews.
To ensure better connection with accredited journalists, we also created a Telegram group which we used to reinforce messages sent by email and to make announcements during the Cercle d’Economia Meeting.
Over the three days, we split our team into two groups, with one focused on attending to requests from the media and another dedicated to preparing newsletters with the contents of the presentations and the PR clipping.
- Daily clipping.
- Management of the media (registrations, publications of press releases, press statements, requests for and arrangement of interviews, etc.).
- Coordination with the press teams of the authorities, the Royal Household of Spain and the Moncloa.
- Reporting: transcription and summary of each conference session.
- Daily and general newsletter for the 2024 Meeting sent to attendees and partners.
- Assistance for the media at the press information desk.
As for the results, it is worth highlighting the large volume of clippings, notable in terms of both quantity and quality. In total, there were approximately 400 hits in the printed media, more than 2,500 news items in digital media and more than 340 in TV and radio. Over the period, the Cercle d’Economia was mentioned in 2,960 hits. Also of note is the high media attendance, with more than 360 accredited journalists. The Cercle d’Economia Meeting is a large event and it is very important that each service provider be highly trusted to ensure each area is well covered. Intermèdia is in charge of media relations and all that this entails without interrupting the work of the team focused on the day-to-day running of the event. This last meeting was notable for the large number of interviews with speakers. Intermèdia was responsible for organising them and also for attending them in order to deal with requests for information or any other communication opportunity.